
Revolutionizing Manufacturing: Harnessing Factory Track and Infor Mongoose for Custom App Development

Picture of Ashish Raval

Ashish Raval

The Manufacturing Dilemma: Balancing Standardization and Customization

In today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing landscape, businesses face a constant challenge: how to leverage standardized ERP systems while accommodating unique business processes. Factory Track and Infor Mongoose Platform enable companies to leverage out of the box functionality while adding powerful customizations to build a full scope solution on the shop floor. 

Watch this Doppio Discussions episode

Ashish Raval

Sharath Shivakumar

Santhosh C P

Factory Track: Your Digital Eye on the Shop Floor

Factory Track serves as a comprehensive solution designed to optimize shop floor operations and warehouse management. It provides real-time visibility into manufacturing processes, inventory movements, and resource allocation. As Ashish, Principal Consultant, at Doppio Group notes during the panel discussion: “Factory track is built on the Mongoose platform itself and already contains many different forms connected to Infor M3. The platform also allows you to easily connect to other applications as needed.” 

  • Real-time data collection and reporting
  • Streamlined inventory management
  • Enhanced quality control processes
  • Improved traceability and compliance

From Concept to Creation: Building Apps with Infor Mongoose

Infor Mongoose is a powerful low-code development platform that empowers developers to rapidly prototype, test, and publish applications for their specific user needs. Ashsih says “Mongoose enables our customers to have more than just interactive screens. They can also build mobile applications that access realtime data (from M3) to make the right decisions on the shop floor. Both can be built in tandem per the business’s unique needs.”

At Doppio we believe in agile application development and early prototype testing.

  1. Defining the application North Star and core user stories 
  2. Rapidly prototyping user interface using Mongoose’s low-code tools
  3. Configuring data sources and business logic
  4. Testing with users and iterating until we have a releasable application
  5. Deploying the app within the Infor ecosystem, gathering feedback from users, and continuing to iterate as necessary.

The Power of Synergy: Integrating Factory Track with Mongoose Apps

The true potential of these technologies is realized when Factory Track is integrated with custom Mongoose applications. This integration allows businesses to extend Factory Track’s capabilities and tailor them to specific workflows, creating a seamless, end-to-end solution.

Sharath, Senior Consultant at Doppio Group, illustrates Factory Track’s potential: “One of our customers is a leading F&B manufacturer in North America. They already had an existing Mongoose application that needed to be enhanced with more functionality. In addition to standard Factory Track functions, the users needed to be able to access realtime data on multiple device types to facilitate operations. Building applications in Mongoose made that possible.” The Doppio team used Mongoose to create a custom requisition system that integrated seamlessly with the company’s supplier systems and Factory Track, streamlining the entire procurement process.


The Manufacturing Revolution: Are You Ready?

Factory Track and Infor Mongoose represent a powerful combination for manufacturers looking to optimize their operations and build custom applications. By leveraging these tools, businesses can create tailored solutions that address their unique challenges while maintaining seamless integration with their Infor M3 ecosystem. 

As Santhosh, Senior Consultant at Doppio Group, aptly summarizes: “ERP is all about integrations, customizations, and enhancements. Infor created the Mongoose platform to enable customers to address these exact needs with a low-code solution. Customized processes no longer required a fully custom developed solution.”

The future of manufacturing lies in the ability to adapt quickly to changing market demands and operational requirements. With Factory Track and Infor Mongoose, businesses are well-equipped to face these challenges head-on, creating agile, efficient, and highly customized manufacturing environments.


Your Next Steps: Embracing the Future of Manufacturing

Are you ready to revolutionize your manufacturing processes? Explore the possibilities of Factory Track and Infor Mongoose today. Get in touch with our team to learn how these powerful tools can transform your operations and drive your business forward.

Remember, in the world of modern manufacturing, adaptability is key. With Factory Track and Infor Mongoose, you’ll have the tools you need to stay ahead of the curve and build the custom solutions your business demands.

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